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제목 We had a good time.
작성자 Nick Sung 등록일 2006-09-01 조회수 910
Hey dad. Colby and I had a lot of fun at berion resort. Our favorite part was when you had the bbq. You're a great chef. Then after that, we would swim in the huge swimming pool and it was the conclusion to a perfect day at Berion Resort. I am proud of you because you built a luxurious resort in Korea. I think it's probably the best in Korea. Another thing i enjoyed was movie night. Also, i liked the fact that we could go to the mini store and buy snacks. You endured a lot of stress building the resort and i'm proud that you never gave up. Overall, i had a wonderful time, getting together with all my family, swimming, eating good food, and most of all hanging out with you. I'll wait until next summer. I'm going to look foward to see Berion expand and become even more famous.Good luck with everything. I love you dad.

Nick S.
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